Author Guidelines
Manuscripts must be prepared according to the guidelines below and submitted online ( Submissions must be submitted exclusively to Praeparandi and submitted papers may not and will not be published elsewhere. It is a condition of publication that the author grants the publisher an exclusive license to publish all articles including abstracts. Manuscripts can be written in English or Indonesian. Abstract must be written in English and Indonesian. Manuscripts must be typed using the Microsoft Word program. Maximum writing length is 15 pages, margin around the top and left side is 4 cm, and bottom and right side is 3 cm, spacing is 1.5. Times New Roman font, size 12 (except for titles in size 14 and Bold). All types of formulas are written using Mathematical Equation (for MS Word users, there is the Insert => Equation section), including division/fraction, Zigma, Root, Matrix, Integral, Limit/Log, Power and so on. All types of standard symbols in the Word Processor (for MS Word users, they are in the Insert => symbol section). Table and figure titles are written in the middle, title case, with a distance of 1 space from the table or figure. The words "Table" or "Figure" with the number are placed on a single line. The table title is placed above the table (before the table) and the figure title is placed below the image (after the image). Writing the source of the table or image is placed under the table and figure (center on the image and parallel to the table in the table with 10pt letters). In the image, writing the source is placed after the image title with a distance of 1 space. The text in the table is 11 pt. Manuscripts must be written in the following order: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Discussion, Closing, Acknowledgments (if any), Funding (if any), Conflict of Interest (if any), and Bibliography.
Manuscripts must be submitted with a cover letter, list of authors, and a statement of originality. All of these documents can be downloaded below.
The following is an explanation of each section:
Title Page: This section should contain the title of the manuscript (written simply and informatively in English and Indonesian), author's name (without academic degree), affiliation (laboratory and department where the work was carried out, address, zip code, and country) written in English and Indonesian, correspondence author, email address, contact and fax.
Abstract: Abstract must be written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words. The abstract must provide a brief summary of the research, including the introduction, research methods, research results, and conclusions. Abstract must be accompanied by 3˗5 keywords.
Introduction: This section should provide background information relevant to the research. Research objectives and hypotheses must be clearly stated.
Case presentation (for case reports only): This section describes the patient's condition, outcome measures, assessment protocol, and treatment. Methods and results should report management results as measured by key outcome measures and other data. It should be concise and not contain the conclusions of the author. The conclusion should be saved for the discussion section.
Research Methods: Methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the results. for research of a social nature, the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of participants must be stated and the statistical methods must be clearly stated. Ethical aspects must be stated in this section. In this section, write down the informed consent that has been obtained (if any). Patients have the right to privacy which cannot be violated without consent. Identification information, including patient names, initials, or hospital numbers, may not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and genealogies unless the information is important for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) provides written consent for publication. In this section, when reporting experiments on human subjects, authors must demonstrate whether the procedures followed complied with the ethical standards of the committee responsible for human experimentation as evidenced by writing the ethical approval letter obtained.
The discussion contains the meaning of the results and comparisons with theories or similar research results. The discussion is comprehensively presented in the form of paragraphs, tables and figures.
Closing contains conclusions from research findings in the form of answers to research questions and research objectives or in the form of the essence of the results of the discussion. This conclusion is presented in paragraph form.
Acknowledgments: This should acknowledge any research assistant or other person not under the authorship who provided assistance during the research (e.g., conducted a literature review; produced, computerized and analyzed data; or provided language assistance, assistance with writing or re-reading articles, etc. .). Finally, it should acknowledge the assistance of all individuals not included in the authorship who have made a significant contribution to improving the paper (eg by offering comments or suggestions).
Funding: In this section please list your financial relationships with entities (government agencies, foundations, commercial sponsors, academic institutions, etc.) that could be considered to influence, or which give the appearance of potentially influencing, what you write in your manuscript. Report all sources of income paid (or promised to be paid) directly to you or your institution on your behalf within the 36 months prior to submission of the manuscript. If there is no funding, you can write: This study was not funded by any grant source.
Conflict of Interest: In this section please write a conflict of interest statement. Conflicts of interest arise when the author/author's institution has financial or personal relationships that influence (bias) his actions inappropriately (financial relationships, dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). A potential conflict of interest can arise whether or not a person believes that the relationship influences his scientific judgment or not. If there is no conflict of interest, you can write: The author declares no potential conflict of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
Bibliography: Bibliography is written according to the APA writing rules and numbered with the appearance of articles in alphabetical order. Maximum 6 authors' names, if more than 6 first names are written then et al. All references cited in the text were published within the last 10 years. As much as 80% of the references used are primary literature. Primary literature is articles from scientific journals, articles from research books, and other sources that can be proven to be original works. We encourage authors to use Mendeley as Reference Manager to help manage the reference system in manuscripts
Please note the example of writing a references as follows:
Article: Simanjuntak, H. D., and Dwita Lestari Department of Fishery Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, S. (2016). FishtecH-Journal of Fisheries Product Technology Chemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Kombucha from the Apu-apu Plant (Pistia stratiotes) During Fermentation. 5(2), 123–133
Articles with more than 6 authors: Lorgelly PK, Atkinson M, Lakhanpaul M, Smyth AR, Vyas H, Weston V, et al. Oral versus i.v. antibiotics for community-acquired pneumonia in children: A cost minimization analysis. Eur Respir J. 2010;35(4):858–64.
Book: DiPiro J, Talbert R, Yee G, Matzke G, Wells B, Posey L. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach, 7th Edition. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.; 2008. p. 150-153
Dissertation and Thesis: Mahyuzar. The dynamics of post-tsunami intercultural communication: A dramaturgical study of community activities among tsunami victims and interactions with foreigners in Banda Aceh (dissertation). Bandung: Padjadjaran University; 2010.
Conference Proceedings: Abdulah R. Interaction of sulforaphane and selenium in inhibiting the proliferation of human breast and prostate cancer cell lines. Proceedings of the International Seminar and Herbal Medicine Expo; November 5, 2010; Bandung, Indonesia. Indonesia: Padjadjaran University; 2010.
Online: Cashin RP, Yang M. Prescription drugs and falls in general medicine inpatients [Accessed: 12 December 2011]. Available at:
Repository : Nurmiati, and Wijayanti, E. D. (2018). Comparison of Total Phenolic Content Between Infusion of Gaharu Leaves and Gaharu Leaf Kombucha (Aquailaria malaccensis).